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An interesting side-light relative to the long, intermittent Christian-Turkish wars in Hungary had to do with the basic prerequisites of battle. Just as modern warfare would grind to a halt without gasoline and related substances, so the 16th and 17th century warfare was inconceivable without barley (or oats) for the cavalry. "No barley, no war."

Quotation from Braudel (Ref. 260 ), page 110
At about the same time Hungarian cattle breeders found that they could obtain great profits exporting cattle to western Europe, so they stopped cultivating their arable land and bought grain rather than producing it. (Ref. 292 )

(Continue on page 954)


Moravia was a margraviate and Bohemia a kingdom, both under the domination of the Habsburg family, although a Calvinist king was elected in Bohemia in 1618. One of the triggers that initiated the Thirty Years War was a rebellion in Bohemia in that year against heavy taxes which had been levied on all Protestants by Emperor Ferdinand as a measure to bring the country back to Catholicism and Habsburg obedience. The rebellion was put down over a period of 3 years of war by the emperor with troops and money from Spain, German Catholics and the Pope. Thereafter only the Catholic religion was permitted in both Bohemia and Moravia. (Ref. 8 ) During that war a petty Bohemian nobleman,

Albrecht von Wallenstein, made soldiering into a vast speculative business. Although nominally only a contractor for the emperor, in effect he was almost a sovereign himself, because of the size of military forces which he commanded and supplied by taxation, outright plunder and massive, complex market transactions. In the latter, he cooperated with a Flemish businessman named Hans De Witte. Both were untouched by religious fervor or business scruples, but they developed an army of exceptional efficiency, numbering over 50,000 at its peak. Wallenstein's assassination was arranged by some of his enemies in the emperor's court in 1634. (Ref. 279 )

Late in the Thirty Years War Bohemia was invaded again, this time by Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus. Ferdinand II bore the brunt of the fighting, but even then the Swedes penetrated through until they were actually in sight of Vienna. Then their long supply lines began to fail and they withdrew. But Bohemia was ruined, with only 6,000 villages out of an original 35,000 considered habitable. The population fell from 2,000,000 to 700,000. (Ref. 213 ) The lower classes of Bohemia along with the city-states of Germany were subordinated to princely power based on control by standing, professional armies. (Ref. 279 ) Recovery began, somewhat, at the end of the century when, along with Saxony, the Bohemian woolen and linen industries began to even outdo the old English and Flemish markets. (Ref. 8 ) (Continue on page 954)


The long antagonism of the buffer state of Savoy and Switzerland flared again as the Savoyards attacked Geneva in 1602. The attack was frustrated, but it resulted in a reaffirmation of alliance between the whole Swiss Confederation and France, although the Catholic cantons also retained their alliance with Spain. (Ref. 119 ) Officially the Swiss remained neutral in the Thirty Years War but they were involved some on their border at the Valtelline Pass, the most important link between Habsburg Austria and their Spanish possessions in Italy. In 1625 the pass was seized by a Swiss force in French pay, but in 1637 pastor George Jenatsch, originally a Protestant from Zurich, turned Catholic, secured Austrian aid and drove out the French. By treaty of 1639 the passes were left open to the use of Spanish troops. The chief occupation of the Swiss in the last half of the century was fighting, but usually as mercenaries. Tens of thousands of their men hired out in this way, particularly in France. Some of the Swiss cities, particularly Basle, became important relay stations for intercontinental traffic where overland vehicular freight, the Rhine and mule trains from the mountains came together. Some of the large transport firms made their headquarters in Switzerland. (Ref. 292 ) (Continue on page 956)

Questions & Answers

Three charges q_{1}=+3\mu C, q_{2}=+6\mu C and q_{3}=+8\mu C are located at (2,0)m (0,0)m and (0,3) coordinates respectively. Find the magnitude and direction acted upon q_{2} by the two other charges.Draw the correct graphical illustration of the problem above showing the direction of all forces.
Kate Reply
To solve this problem, we need to first find the net force acting on charge q_{2}. The magnitude of the force exerted by q_{1} on q_{2} is given by F=\frac{kq_{1}q_{2}}{r^{2}} where k is the Coulomb constant, q_{1} and q_{2} are the charges of the particles, and r is the distance between them.
What is the direction and net electric force on q_{1}= 5µC located at (0,4)r due to charges q_{2}=7mu located at (0,0)m and q_{3}=3\mu C located at (4,0)m?
Kate Reply
what is the change in momentum of a body?
Eunice Reply
what is a capacitor?
Raymond Reply
Capacitor is a separation of opposite charges using an insulator of very small dimension between them. Capacitor is used for allowing an AC (alternating current) to pass while a DC (direct current) is blocked.
A motor travelling at 72km/m on sighting a stop sign applying the breaks such that under constant deaccelerate in the meters of 50 metres what is the magnitude of the accelerate
Maria Reply
please solve
What is Thermodynamics
velocity can be 72 km/h in question. 72 km/h=20 m/s, v^2=2.a.x , 20^2=2.a.50, a=4 m/s^2.
A boat travels due east at a speed of 40meter per seconds across a river flowing due south at 30meter per seconds. what is the resultant speed of the boat
Saheed Reply
50 m/s due south east
which has a higher temperature, 1cup of boiling water or 1teapot of boiling water which can transfer more heat 1cup of boiling water or 1 teapot of boiling water explain your . answer
Ramon Reply
I believe temperature being an intensive property does not change for any amount of boiling water whereas heat being an extensive property changes with amount/size of the system.
Scratch that
temperature for any amount of water to boil at ntp is 100⁰C (it is a state function and and intensive property) and it depends both will give same amount of heat because the surface available for heat transfer is greater in case of the kettle as well as the heat stored in it but if you talk.....
about the amount of heat stored in the system then in that case since the mass of water in the kettle is greater so more energy is required to raise the temperature b/c more molecules of water are present in the kettle
definitely of physics
Haryormhidey Reply
how many start and codon
Esrael Reply
what is field
Felix Reply
physics, biology and chemistry this is my Field
field is a region of space under the influence of some physical properties
what is ogarnic chemistry
determine the slope giving that 3y+ 2x-14=0
Another formula for Acceleration
Belty Reply
a=v/t. a=f/m a
pratica A on solution of hydro chloric acid,B is a solution containing 0.5000 mole ofsodium chlorid per dm³,put A in the burret and titrate 20.00 or 25.00cm³ portion of B using melting orange as the indicator. record the deside of your burret tabulate the burret reading and calculate the average volume of acid used?
Nassze Reply
how do lnternal energy measures
Two bodies attract each other electrically. Do they both have to be charged? Answer the same question if the bodies repel one another.
No. According to Isac Newtons law. this two bodies maybe you and the wall beside you. Attracting depends on the mass och each body and distance between them.
Are you really asking if two bodies have to be charged to be influenced by Coulombs Law?
like charges repel while unlike charges atttact
What is specific heat capacity
Destiny Reply
Specific heat capacity is a measure of the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin). It is measured in Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C).
specific heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius or kelvin
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Source:  OpenStax, A comprehensive outline of world history (organized by region). OpenStax CNX. Nov 23, 2009 Download for free at http://cnx.org/content/col10597/1.2
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