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Questions & Answers

diagram of the digestive system
Zainab Reply
What is the best way to indicate the sperm
ADAM Reply
Definition of pathology
Promise Reply
what are the body organs and their functions
Comforter Reply
what are the body organs and their functions
what is cell
Oppicial Reply
a cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of life.
To know how bones are functions
diagram of the heart
Victoria Reply
what are the layers of the muscles
Tongdock Reply
What is Amebae
Najibu Reply
the collection of fluids in the throat is cause by what
Emmanuel Reply
what is difference between meiosis and mitosis
Aishetu Reply
what is difference between mitosis and meiosis
What is Anatomy
Najibu Reply
What the difference between the Anatomy and physiology
What is the meaning of chromoprotein
Aisha Reply
what is cartilage
Abdulkadir Reply
tough , white fibrous tissue
distinguish between anatomy and physiology
Amina Reply
Anatomy is the study of internal structure of an organism while physiology is the study of the function/relationship of the body organs working together as a system in an organism.
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Anatomy & Physiology 03 Cellular Organization


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Attribution:  OpenStax College. Anatomy & Physiology, OpenStax-CNX Web site. http://cnx.org/content/col11496/1.6/, Jun 11, 2014
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