Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: Nervous System Anatomy

A&P Key Terms 13 Nervous System Anatomy


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61. frontal eye field region of the frontal lobe associated with motor commands to orient the eyes toward an object of visual attention
62. frontal lobe region of the cerebral cortex directly beneath the frontal bone of the cranium
63. gastric plexuses neuronal networks in the wall of the stomach that are part of the enteric nervous system
64. globus pallidus nuclei deep in the cerebrum that are part of the basal nuclei and can be divided into the internal and external segments
65. glossopharyngeal nerve ninth cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of muscles in the tongue and throat and for part of the sense of taste, as well as causing saliva production
66. gyrus ridge formed by convolutions on the surface of the cerebrum or cerebellum
67. hindbrain posterior region of the adult brain that develops from the rhombencephalon and includes the pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum
68. hippocampus gray matter deep in the temporal lobe that is very important for long-term memory formation
69. hypoglossal nerve twelfth cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of muscles of the tongue
70. hypothalamus major region of the diencephalon that is responsible for coordinating autonomic and endocrine control of homeostasis
71. indirect pathway connections within the basal nuclei from the striatum through the globus pallidus external segment and subthalamic nucleus to the globus pallidus internal segment/substantia nigra pars compacta that result in inhibition of the thalamus to decrease cortical control of movement
72. inferior colliculus half of the midbrain tectum that is part of the brain stem auditory pathway
73. inferior olive nucleus in the medulla that is involved in processing information related to motor control
74. intercostal nerve systemic nerve in the thoracic cavity that is found between two ribs
75. internal carotid artery branch from the common carotid artery that enters the cranium and supplies blood to the brain
76. interventricular foramina openings between the lateral ventricles and third ventricle allowing for the passage of CSF
77. jugular veins blood vessels that return "used" blood from the head and neck
78. kinesthesia general sensory perception of movement of the body
79. lateral apertures pair of openings from the fourth ventricle to the subarachnoid space on either side and between the medulla and cerebellum
80. lateral column white matter of the spinal cord between the posterior horn on one side and the axons from the anterior horn on the same side; composed of many different groups of axons, of both ascending and descending tracts, carrying motor commands to and from the brain
81. lateral horn region of the spinal cord gray matter in the thoracic, upper lumbar, and sacral regions that is the central component of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
82. lateral sulcus surface landmark of the cerebral cortex that marks the boundary between the temporal lobe and the frontal and parietal lobes
83. lateral ventricles portions of the ventricular system that are in the region of the cerebrum
84. limbic cortex collection of structures of the cerebral cortex that are involved in emotion, memory, and behavior and are part of the larger limbic system
85. limbic system structures at the edge (limit) of the boundary between the forebrain and hindbrain that are most associated with emotional behavior and memory formation
86. longitudinal fissure large separation along the midline between the two cerebral hemispheres
87. lumbar plexus nerve plexus associated with the lumbar spinal nerves
88. lumbar puncture procedure used to withdraw CSF from the lower lumbar region of the vertebral column that avoids the risk of damaging CNS tissue because the spinal cord ends at the upper lumbar vertebrae
89. median aperture singular opening from the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space at the midline between the medulla and cerebellum
90. median nerve systemic nerve of the arm, located between the ulnar and radial nerves
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