Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: Nervous System Anatomy

A&P Key Terms 13 Nervous System Anatomy


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31. cerebrum region of the adult brain that develops from the telencephalon and is responsible for higher neurological functions such as memory, emotion, and consciousness
32. cervical plexus nerve plexus associated with the upper cervical spinal nerves
33. choroid plexus specialized structures containing ependymal cells lining blood capillaries that filter blood to produce CSF in the four ventricles of the brain
34. circle of Willis unique anatomical arrangement of blood vessels around the base of the brain that maintains perfusion of blood into the brain even if one component of the structure is blocked or narrowed
35. common carotid artery blood vessel that branches off the aorta (or the brachiocephalic artery on the right) and supplies blood to the head and neck
36. corpus callosum large white matter structure that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres
37. cranial nerve ganglion sensory ganglion of cranial nerves
38. cranial nerve one of twelve nerves connected to the brain that are responsible for sensory or motor functions of the head and neck
39. descending tract central nervous system fibers carrying motor commands from the brain to the spinal cord or periphery
40. diencephalon region of the adult brain that retains its name from embryonic development and includes the thalamus and hypothalamus
41. direct pathway connections within the basal nuclei from the striatum to the globus pallidus internal segment and substantia nigra pars reticulata that disinhibit the thalamus to increase cortical control of movement
42. disinhibition disynaptic connection in which the first synapse inhibits the second cell, which then stops inhibiting the final target
43. dorsal (posterior) nerve root axons entering the posterior horn of the spinal cord
44. dorsal (posterior) root ganglion sensory ganglion attached to the posterior nerve root of a spinal nerve
45. dura mater tough, fibrous, outer layer of the meninges that is attached to the inner surface of the cranium and vertebral column and surrounds the entire CNS
46. dural sinus any of the venous structures surrounding the brain, enclosed within the dura mater, which drain blood from the CNS to the common venous return of the jugular veins
47. endoneurium innermost layer of connective tissue that surrounds individual axons within a nerve
48. enteric nervous system peripheral structures, namely ganglia and nerves, that are incorporated into the digestive system organs
49. enteric plexus neuronal plexus in the wall of the intestines, which is part of the enteric nervous system
50. epineurium outermost layer of connective tissue that surrounds an entire nerve
51. epithalamus region of the diecephalon containing the pineal gland
52. esophageal plexus neuronal plexus in the wall of the esophagus that is part of the enteric nervous system
53. extraocular muscles six skeletal muscles that control eye movement within the orbit
54. facial nerve seventh cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of the facial muscles and for part of the sense of taste, as well as causing saliva production
55. fascicle small bundles of nerve or muscle fibers enclosed by connective tissue
56. femoral nerve systemic nerve of the anterior leg that arises from the lumbar plexus
57. fibular nerve systemic nerve of the posterior leg that begins as part of the sciatic nerve
58. foramen magnum large opening in the occipital bone of the skull through which the spinal cord emerges and the vertebral arteries enter the cranium
59. forebrain anterior region of the adult brain that develops from the prosencephalon and includes the cerebrum and diencephalon
60. fourth ventricle the portion of the ventricular system that is in the region of the brain stem and opens into the subarachnoid space through the median and lateral apertures
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