Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology Key Terms Tissue Level of

A&P Key Terms 04 Tissue Level of Organization


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31. fibroblast most abundant cell type in connective tissue, secretes protein fibers and matrix into the extracellular space
32. fibrocartilage tough form of cartilage, made of thick bundles of collagen fibers embedded in chondroitin sulfate ground substance
33. fibrocyte less active form of fibroblast
34. fluid connective tissue specialized cells that circulate in a watery fluid containing salts, nutrients, and dissolved proteins
35. gap junction allows cytoplasmic communications to occur between cells
36. goblet cell unicellular gland found in columnar epithelium that secretes mucous
37. ground substance fluid or semi-fluid portion of the matrix
38. histamine chemical compound released by mast cells in response to injury that causes vasodilation and endothelium permeability
39. histology microscopic study of tissue architecture, organization, and function
40. holocrine secretion release of a substance caused by the rupture of a gland cell, which becomes part of the secretion
41. hyaline cartilage most common type of cartilage, smooth and made of short collagen fibers embedded in a chondroitin sulfate ground substance
42. inflammation response of tissue to injury
43. lacunae (singular: lacuna) small spaces in bone or cartilage tissue that cells occupy
44. lamina propria areolar connective tissue underlying a mucous membrane
45. loose connective tissue (also, areolar tissue) type of connective tissue proper that shows little specialization with cells dispersed in the matrix
46. matrix extracellular material which is produced by the cells embedded in it, containing ground substance and fibers
47. merocrine secretion release of a substance from a gland via exocytosis
48. mesenchymal cell adult stem cell from which most connective tissue cells are derived
49. mesenchyme embryonic tissue from which connective tissue cells derive
50. mesoderm middle embryonic germ layer from which connective tissue, muscle tissue, and some epithelial tissue derive
51. mesothelium simple squamous epithelial tissue which covers the major body cavities and is the epithelial portion of serous membranes
52. mucous connective tissue specialized loose connective tissue present in the umbilical cord
53. mucous gland group of cells that secrete mucous, a thick, slippery substance that keeps tissues moist and acts as a lubricant
54. mucous membrane tissue membrane that is covered by protective mucous and lines tissue exposed to the outside environment
55. muscle tissue type of tissue that is capable of contracting and generating tension in response to stimulation; produces movement.
56. myelin layer of lipid inside some neuroglial cells that wraps around the axons of some neurons
57. myocyte muscle cells
58. necrosis accidental death of cells and tissues
59. nervous tissue type of tissue that is capable of sending and receiving impulses through electrochemical signals.
60. neuroglia supportive neural cells
Stephanie Redfern
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