Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology Key Terms Nervous System

A&P Key Terms 12 Nervous System


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61. nucleus in the nervous system, a localized collection of neuron cell bodies that are functionally related; a "center" of neural function
62. oligodendrocyte glial cell type in the CNS that provides the myelin insulation for axons in tracts
63. peripheral nervous system (PNS) anatomical division of the nervous system that is largely outside the cranial and vertebral cavities, namely all parts except the brain and spinal cord
64. postsynaptic potential (PSP) graded potential in the postsynaptic membrane caused by the binding of neurotransmitter to protein receptors
65. precentral gyrus of the frontal cortex region of the cerebral cortex responsible for generating motor commands, where the upper motor neuron cell body is located
66. process in cells, an extension of a cell body; in the case of neurons, this includes the axon and dendrites
67. propagation movement of an action potential along the length of an axon
68. receptor potential graded potential in a specialized sensory cell that directly causes the release of neurotransmitter without an intervening action potential
69. refractory period time after the initiation of an action potential when another action potential cannot be generated
70. relative refractory period time during the refractory period when a new action potential can only be initiated by a stronger stimulus than the current action potential because voltage-gated K+ channels are not closed
71. repolarization return of the membrane potential to its normally negative voltage at the end of the action potential
72. resistance property of an axon that relates to the ability of particles to diffuse through the cytoplasm; this is inversely proportional to the fiber diameter
73. response nervous system function that causes a target tissue (muscle or gland) to produce an event as a consequence to stimuli
74. resting membrane potential the difference in voltage measured across a cell membrane under steady-state conditions, typically -70 mV
75. Schwann cell glial cell type in the PNS that provides the myelin insulation for axons in nerves
76. saltatory conduction quick propagation of the action potential along a myelinated axon owing to voltage-gated Na+ channels being present only at the nodes of Ranvier
77. satellite cell glial cell type in the PNS that provides support for neurons in the ganglia
78. sensation nervous system function that receives information from the environment and translates it into the electrical signals of nervous tissue
79. size exclusion principle of selectively allowing ions through a channel on the basis of their relative size
80. soma in neurons, that portion of the cell that contains the nucleus; the cell body, as opposed to the cell processes (axons and dendrites)
81. somatic nervous system (SNS) functional division of the nervous system that is concerned with conscious perception, voluntary movement, and skeletal muscle reflexes
82. spatial summation combination of graded potentials across the neuronal cell membrane caused by signals from separate presynaptic elements that add up to initiate an action potential
83. spinal cord organ of the central nervous system found within the vertebral cavity and connected with the periphery through spinal nerves; mediates reflex behaviors
84. stimulus an event in the external or internal environment that registers as activity in a sensory neuron
85. summate to add together, as in the cumulative change in postsynaptic potentials toward reaching threshold in the membrane, either across a span of the membrane or over a certain amount of time
86. synapse narrow junction across which a chemical signal passes from neuron to the next, initiating a new electrical signal in the target cell
87. synaptic cleft small gap between cells in a chemical synapse where neurotransmitter diffuses from the presynaptic element to the postsynaptic element
88. synaptic end bulb swelling at the end of an axon where neurotransmitter molecules are released onto a target cell across a synapse
89. temporal summation combination of graded potentials at the same location on a neuron resulting in a strong signal from one input
90. thalamus region of the central nervous system that acts as a relay for sensory pathways
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