Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: Joints Key Terms

A&P Key Terms 09 Joints


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61. ligament strong band of dense connective tissue spanning between bones
62. medial (internal) rotation movement of the arm at the shoulder joint or the thigh at the hip joint that brings the anterior surface of the limb toward the midline of the body
63. medial excursion side-to-side movement that returns the mandible to the midline
64. medial meniscus C-shaped fibrocartilage articular disc located at the knee, between the medial condyle of the femur and medial condyle of the tibia
65. medial tibiofemoral joint portion of the knee consisting of the articulation between the medial condyle of the tibia and the medial condyle of the femur; allows for flexion/extension at the knee
66. meniscus articular disc
67. multiaxial joint type of diarthrosis; a joint that allows for movements within three planes (three axes)
68. opposition thumb movement that brings the tip of the thumb in contact with the tip of a finger
69. patellar ligament ligament spanning from the patella to the anterior tibia; serves as the final attachment for the quadriceps femoris muscle
70. periodontal ligament band of dense connective tissue that anchors the root of a tooth into the bony jaw socket
71. pivot joint synovial joint at which the rounded portion of a bone rotates within a ring formed by a ligament and an articulating bone; functionally classified as uniaxial joint
72. plane joint synovial joint formed between the flattened articulating surfaces of adjacent bones; functionally classified as a multiaxial joint
73. plantar flexion foot movement at the ankle in which the heel is lifted off of the ground
74. posterior cruciate ligament intracapsular ligament of the knee; extends from the posterior, superior surface of the tibia to the inner aspect of the medial condyle of the femur; prevents anterior displacement of the femur when the knee is flexed and weight bearing
75. posterior talofibular ligament intrinsic ligament located on the lateral side of the ankle joint, between the talus bone and lateral malleolus of the fibula; supports the talus at the talocrural joint and resists excess inversion of the foot
76. pronated position forearm position in which the palm faces backward
77. pronation forearm motion that moves the palm of the hand from the palm forward to the palm backward position
78. protraction anterior motion of the scapula or mandible
79. proximal radioulnar joint articulation between head of radius and radial notch of ulna; uniaxial pivot joint that allows for rotation of radius during pronation/supination of forearm
80. pubofemoral ligament intrinsic ligament spanning from the pubis of the hip bone to the femur, on the anterior-inferior aspect of the hip joint
81. radial collateral ligament intrinsic ligament on the lateral side of the elbow joint; runs from the lateral epicondyle of humerus to merge with the annular ligament
82. reposition movement of the thumb from opposition back to the anatomical position (next to index finger)
83. retraction posterior motion of the scapula or mandible
84. rotation movement of a bone around a central axis (atlantoaxial joint) or around its long axis (proximal radioulnar joint; shoulder or hip joint); twisting of the vertebral column resulting from the summation of small motions between adjacent vertebrae
85. rotator cuff strong connective tissue structure formed by the fusion of four rotator cuff muscle tendons to the articular capsule of the shoulder joint; surrounds and supports superior, anterior, lateral, and posterior sides of the humeral head
86. saddle joint synovial joint in which the articulating ends of both bones are convex and concave in shape, such as at the first carpometacarpal joint at the base of the thumb; functionally classified as a biaxial joint
87. subacromial bursa bursa that protects the supraspinatus muscle tendon and superior end of the humerus from rubbing against the acromion of the scapula
88. subcutaneous bursa bursa that prevents friction between skin and an underlying bone
89. submuscular bursa bursa that prevents friction between bone and a muscle or between adjacent muscles
90. subscapular bursa bursa that prevents rubbing of the subscapularis muscle tendon against the scapula
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