Card Set: Anatomy & Physiology: Development and Inheritance

A&P Key Terms 28 Development Inheritance


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31. ductus venosus shunt that causes oxygenated blood to bypass the fetal liver on its way to the inferior vena cava
32. ectoderm primary germ layer that develops into the central and peripheral nervous systems, sensory organs, epidermis, hair, and nails
33. ectopic pregnancy implantation of an embryo outside of the uterus
34. embryo developing human during weeks 3-8
35. embryonic folding process by which an embryo develops from a flat disc of cells to a three-dimensional shape resembling a cylinder
36. endoderm primary germ layer that goes on to form the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and lungs
37. epiblast upper layer of cells of the embryonic disc that forms from the inner cell mass; gives rise to all three germ layers
38. episiotomy incision made in the posterior vaginal wall and perineum that facilitates vaginal birth
39. expulsion second stage of childbirth, during which the mother bears down with contractions; this stage ends in birth
40. fertilization membrane impenetrable barrier that coats a nascent zygote; part of the slow block to polyspermy
41. fertilization unification of genetic material from male and female haploid gametes
42. fetus developing human during the time from the end of the embryonic period (week 9) to birth
43. foramen ovale shunt that directly connects the right and left atria and helps divert oxygenated blood from the fetal pulmonary circuit
44. foremilk watery, translucent breast milk that is secreted first during a feeding and is rich in lactose and protein; quenches the infant's thirst
45. gastrulation process of cell migration and differentiation into three primary germ layers following cleavage and implantation
46. genotype complete genetic makeup of an individual
47. gestation in human development, the period required for embryonic and fetal development in utero; pregnancy
48. heterozygous having two different alleles for a given gene
49. hindmilk opaque, creamy breast milk delivered toward the end of a feeding; rich in fat; satisfies the infant's appetite
50. homozygous having two identical alleles for a given gene
51. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone that directs the corpus luteum to survive, enlarge, and continue producing progesterone and estrogen to suppress menses and secure an environment suitable for the developing embryo
52. hypoblast lower layer of cells of the embryonic disc that extend into the blastocoel to form the yolk sac
53. implantation process by which a blastocyst embeds itself in the uterine endometrium
54. incomplete dominance pattern of inheritance in which a heterozygous genotype expresses a phenotype intermediate between dominant and recessive phenotypes
55. inner cell mass cluster of cells within the blastocyst that is fated to become the embryo
56. involution postpartum shrinkage of the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy volume
57. karyotype systematic arrangement of images of chromosomes into homologous pairs
58. lactation process by which milk is synthesized and secreted from the mammary glands of the postpartum female breast in response to sucking at the nipple
59. lanugo silk-like hairs that coat the fetus; shed later in fetal development
60. let-down reflex release of milk from the alveoli triggered by infant suckling
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