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By the end of this section, you will be able to:
  • Compare and contrast the location and gross anatomy of the small and large intestines
  • Identify three main adaptations of the small intestine wall that increase its absorptive capacity
  • Describe the mechanical and chemical digestion of chyme upon its release into the small intestine
  • List three features unique to the wall of the large intestine and identify their contributions to its function
  • Identify the beneficial roles of the bacterial flora in digestive system functioning
  • Trace the pathway of food waste from its point of entry into the large intestine through its exit from the body as feces

The word intestine is derived from a Latin root meaning “internal,” and indeed, the two organs together nearly fill the interior of the abdominal cavity. In addition, called the small and large bowel, or colloquially the “guts,” they constitute the greatest mass and length of the alimentary canal and, with the exception of ingestion, perform all digestive system functions.

The small intestine

Chyme released from the stomach enters the small intestine    , which is the primary digestive organ in the body. Not only is this where most digestion occurs, it is also where practically all absorption occurs. The longest part of the alimentary canal, the small intestine is about 3.05 meters (10 feet) long in a living person (but about twice as long in a cadaver due to the loss of muscle tone). Since this makes it about five times longer than the large intestine, you might wonder why it is called “small.” In fact, its name derives from its relatively smaller diameter of only about 2.54 cm (1 in), compared with 7.62 cm (3 in) for the large intestine. As we’ll see shortly, in addition to its length, the folds and projections of the lining of the small intestine work to give it an enormous surface area, which is approximately 200 m 2 , more than 100 times the surface area of your skin. This large surface area is necessary for complex processes of digestion and absorption that occur within it.


The coiled tube of the small intestine is subdivided into three regions. From proximal (at the stomach) to distal, these are the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum ( [link] ).

The shortest region is the 25.4-cm (10-in) duodenum    , which begins at the pyloric sphincter. Just past the pyloric sphincter, it bends posteriorly behind the peritoneum, becoming retroperitoneal, and then makes a C-shaped curve around the head of the pancreas before ascending anteriorly again to return to the peritoneal cavity and join the jejunum. The duodenum can therefore be subdivided into four segments: the superior, descending, horizontal, and ascending duodenum.

Of particular interest is the hepatopancreatic ampulla    (ampulla of Vater). Located in the duodenal wall, the ampulla marks the transition from the anterior portion of the alimentary canal to the mid-region, and is where the bile duct (through which bile passes from the liver) and the main pancreatic duct    (through which pancreatic juice passes from the pancreas) join. This ampulla opens into the duodenum at a tiny volcano-shaped structure called the major duodenal papilla    . The hepatopancreatic sphincter    (sphincter of Oddi) regulates the flow of both bile and pancreatic juice from the ampulla into the duodenum.

Questions & Answers

diagram of the digestive system
Zainab Reply
What is the best way to indicate the sperm
ADAM Reply
Definition of pathology
Promise Reply
what are the body organs and their functions
Comforter Reply
what are the body organs and their functions
what is cell
Oppicial Reply
a cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of life.
To know how bones are functions
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Victoria Reply
what are the layers of the muscles
Tongdock Reply
What is Amebae
Najibu Reply
the collection of fluids in the throat is cause by what
Emmanuel Reply
what is difference between meiosis and mitosis
Aishetu Reply
what is difference between mitosis and meiosis
What is Anatomy
Najibu Reply
What the difference between the Anatomy and physiology
What is the meaning of chromoprotein
Aisha Reply
what is cartilage
Abdulkadir Reply
tough , white fibrous tissue
distinguish between anatomy and physiology
Amina Reply
Anatomy is the study of internal structure of an organism while physiology is the study of the function/relationship of the body organs working together as a system in an organism.

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Source:  OpenStax, Anatomy & Physiology. OpenStax CNX. Feb 04, 2016 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11496/1.8
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