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Testing revisions - css  (Page 2/2)

Css box model

The W3C standard box model

How to position elements

(External Link)

The default is that elements are positioned static . This means that the element is not positioned in special way. It is in the normal flow of elements.


A validator checks if a CSS file contains no erroneous CSS selectors and rules. W3C validator

Css 3

CSS3 (CSS level 3) builds on CSS level 2. Unlike CSS2 which is a single specification document CSS3 is devided into several separate recommendations documents. They are called "modules". See table of specifications of the W3C.

News about the implementation of the new features . Web site which tests CSS3 implementation in browsers.

Interactive construction of CSS3 code (e.g. rounded corners, shadow, etc)



There is an add-on called Firebug to the Firefox web browser which helps to debug CSS style sheets. It helps as well to learn about CSS (External Link) .

InternetExplorer 8, 9 and 10 give access to developer tools (Manual) through the F12 key.

Css versus xsl

Why does W3C recommend two different style languages? Which one should you use? Basically, the rule can be summarized very succinctly: Use CSS when you can, use XSL when you must. (External Link)

Css in mobile devices

CSS mobile (current status) aims at describing a subset of CSS useful for mobile devices.

Media queries

CSS media queries (W3C spec) allow that style rules are only applied to specific output media, i.e. screen, print, handheld or other. They can as well depend on conditions like display width. The following example demonstrates the idea

@media (max-width: 320px) { /* rules for mobile devices go here */} @media (min-width: 321px) {/* rules for devices with larger screens go here */ }

More about media queries; collection of example sites

Use of media queries to implement a responsive navigation, i.e. a navigation which works on desktop or laptop computers where there is a cursor and on touch devices (mobile phones, tablets).


A CSS framework is one or more CSS files which include style declarations on which you can build by either extending or replacing them. The aim is that you do can rely on ready-made designs and do not need to create workarounds for the browser inconsistencies.

Skeleton : Responsive boilerplate

Bootstrap Bootstrap is a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive projects.

(External Link) -- a set of small, responsive CSS modules; see also (External Link) (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS).

Web fonts

Current browsers may load fonts front the web ( @font-face property) and thus support the font part of CSS 3 .

Google font service

Google provides a service from which you can choose free fonts. It generates some code which you can add to your website. They as well provide a font API and host a repository with free fonts. So you might add the Gentium font by adding an import rule at the beginning of your style sheet

@import url(,latin-ext);

But you may as well copy a free font to a directory of your own website and serve it from there. For an example of loading a font see below. Gentium is a free font under the Open Font License (OFL).

@font-face { font-family: Gentium;src: url(http://yoursite/fonts/Gentium.ttf); }p { font-family: Gentium, serif; }

Xhtml plus css to pdf

Further reading

Useful coding techniques

W3C CSS Test Harness

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Read also:

OpenStax, Test collection. OpenStax CNX. Jul 20, 2012 Download for free at
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