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19.1 Hypersensitivities  (Page 4/24)

  • What are the cells that cause a type I hypersensitivity reaction?
  • Describe the differences between immediate and late-phase type I hypersensitivity reactions.
  • List the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.

The hygiene hypothesis

In most modern societies, good hygiene is associated with regular bathing, and good health with cleanliness. But some recent studies suggest that the association between health and clean living may be a faulty one. Some go so far as to suggest that children should be encouraged to play in the dirt—or even eat dirt S.T. Weiss. “Eat Dirt—The Hygiene Hypothesis and Allergic Diseases.” New England Journal of Medicine 347 no. 12 (2002):930–931. —for the benefit of their health. This recommendation is based on the so-called hygiene hypothesis , which proposes that childhood exposure to antigens from a diverse range of microbes leads to a better-functioning immune system later in life.

The hygiene hypothesis was first suggested in 1989 by David Strachan D.P. Strachan “Hay Fever, Hygiene, and Household Size.” British Medical Journal 299 no. 6710 (1989):1259. , who observed an inverse relationship between the number of older children in a family and the incidence of hay fever. Although hay fever in children had increased dramatically during the mid-20th century, incidence was significantly lower in families with more children. Strachan proposed that the lower incidence of allergies in large families could be linked to infections acquired from older siblings, suggesting that these infections made children less susceptible to allergies. Strachan also argued that trends toward smaller families and a greater emphasis on cleanliness in the 20th century had decreased exposure to pathogens and thus led to higher overall rates of allergies, asthma, and other immune disorders.

Other researchers have observed an inverse relationship between the incidence of immune disorders and infectious diseases that are now rare in industrialized countries but still common in less industrialized countries. H. Okada et al. “The ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ for Autoimmune and Allergic Diseases: An Update.” Clinical&Experimental Immunology 160 no. 1 (2010):1–9. In developed nations, children under the age of 5 years are not exposed to many of the microbes, molecules, and antigens they almost certainly would have encountered a century ago. The lack of early challenges to the immune system by organisms with which humans and their ancestors evolved may result in failures in immune system functioning later in life.

Type ii (cytotoxic) hypersensitivities

Immune reactions categorized as type II hypersensitivities , or cytotoxic hypersensitivities , are mediated by IgG and IgM antibodies binding to cell-surface antigens or matrix-associated antigens on basement membranes. These antibodies can either activate complement , resulting in an inflammatory response and lysis of the targeted cells, or they can be involved in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) with cytotoxic T cell s.

In some cases, the antigen may be a self-antigen, in which case the reaction would also be described as an autoimmune disease . (Autoimmune diseases are described in Autoimmune Disorders ). In other cases, antibodies may bind to naturally occurring, but exogenous, cell-surface molecules such as antigens associated with blood typing found on red blood cells (RBCs). This leads to the coating of the RBCs by antibodies, activation of the complement cascade, and complement-mediated lysis of RBCs, as well as opsonization of RBCs for phagocytosis. Two examples of type II hypersensitivity reactions involving RBCs are hemolytic transfusion reaction (HTR) and hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) . These type II hypersensitivity reactions, which will be discussed in greater detail, are summarized in [link] .

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